Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Sleepover . . .

Sorry i am kind of behind on my posts. So Nicki had a girls of God study sleepover, Rainey and Destiny went and had an awesome time. They stayed up very late and woke up early the next morning and went outreach in corvalis. Here are some of the pictures.

Rainey, Moriah, Angelica, and Selina
GOG girls: in a knot
Sleepy girls
Beatriz, Gracie, Rainey, Angelica, and Moriah bein silly
Destiny, Gracie, Rainey, Angelica, and Moriaha
Beatriz, S, and Destiny

After the concert we helped out in the nursery for awhile:
Natalee and Destiny

This picture is just to cute!

1 comment:

Thanks for leaving comments and questions!!!!! You JUST made my day.