Between my birthday and our trip to Arizona, many fun things happened, we just have not been keeping up on the blog. I am gonna try to be better about posting more consistently, since I am aware that people actually look at this stuff. ha ha!!
P.S. - If you regularly look at this blog and there is something in particular you would like to hear more about, leave a comment ;)
Sometime in February my family went and spent a night at the beach. It was a beautiful day the next day, sunny and not too much wind!!
Our parents |
Deadly waves at any time!! (well we were trying to wave...) |
We have been hosting a biblestudy for girls 9-12 years old at my house. We call it K.I.C. Girls Study, it stands for Keep It Christian. We had a lightsaber war with these awesome homemade lightsabers.
Ellen, Mina, and Ceci are in the front, and Olivia is standing in the background. |
During February we had an awesome snowstorm here in McMinnville. It lasted about 5 days, and we got around 14 inches of snow. We got to miss a couple days of school.
Bird prints in the snow |
Down in the Meadow over the bridge |
Cameron and Taylor came over on one of days and we built these snowmen together. |
Imani can say my name now :) |
Last weekend we had a youth rally revival at the MacStage. Every night Naman Struck shared powerful messages, and we saw many visitors come. Every night some prayed for salvation. On Saturday we hit the streets, sharing our testimony and inviting people to the last two services.
Joe-our fearless leader |
Lastly a blast from the past!!!!
Anna and Chloe in the front, and Me and Rainey in the back |
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