Monday, June 23, 2014

Rainey Graduated

Rainey graduated from high school this year. First she was part of a graduation ceremony at MACA. MACA is the school that she attended her freshman year but then it turned into a part of the regular high school. Two of her friends gave speeches at the ceremony and they showed some of her artwork on a slideshow. 

Her support group for the MACA Ceremony 

Rainey and my Uncle Joe 
Rainey and GMA Gash

 She also walked at the regular Mac High Graduation. We cheered very loudly for her as she walked across the stage...

Rainey and Tiffany 

Audrey, Bianca, Rainey, Moriah, and Grace

The day after she graduated she had a graduation party at our house. We had a lot of different kinds of food including sushi, tamales, fried chicken, and Hawaiian mac salad. Lots of family and friends gathered together to celebrate with us. Kris made a fabulous cake too!!

You made it!!

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