Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Yes i am back...

This is Destiny, only for one post though. All five of these pictures i took in the last week on my cell phone, and i wanted to share them with you guys (girls ;))

Deer come to our house quite often, so i snuck onto the drive way and got a few pictures. There was four, but two ran away before i got a picture. So as i stood there taking pictures they just stared at me ;)

This is my little buddy Aiden, holding Julians bunny rabbit. I love bunny rabbits so much, and I really want one.

Here is a close-up of the bunny. He looks just like the bunny my brother got when he was five.

On Saturday we were outreaching at the Mall in Vancover, WA. My mom bought some sweet glasses and this is my nerdy face with them. tee hee

This is Rainey during lunch today, with Orange Peels on her eyes connected with a caprisun straw.


  1. Eww.. i look so gross in that pictrue, and the were my orange vision goolges~Rainey

  2. Cute!You are doing a good job with this blog!


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