On Friday i had my 8th grade promotion. I was very excited. I am so nervous for high school. Our 8th grade class saved up all year so that we could go on a beach trip. And WE DID so after promotion we h
eaded up to lincoln city to a beach house witch turned out to be a blast. Heres what we did:
Me all dolled up for Promotion!
Promotion Certificates
The Beach trip:
A toast with sparking cider

Our deck had stairs that went right to the beach
The water was so fun.
On Saturday we went to the MALL:

we went to clares and tryed on glasses hats to take pictures until a worker said no photography ; (

So than we went to Zumiez!
Then after the mall we went to devils lake:

We had a great time but we had to leave on sunday morning no one wanted too. We had a fun time throwing things at each other, eating whipped cream and falling asleep at 2 in the morning.

The guys:Patrick, jereamaih, silas, boone
the girls: sam, aundrea, c
amille, rebecca, tabby,amy, me
we went to clares and tryed on glasses hats to take pictures until a worker said no photography ; (

So than we went to Zumiez!
Then after the mall we went to devils lake:

Played on the swings
and had a roll down the hill contest
Sam and aundrea
We had a great time but we had to leave on sunday morning no one wanted too. We had a fun time throwing things at each other, eating whipped cream and falling asleep at 2 in the morning.

Oh 8th grade......How I remember those days!!! I remember going on a trip to Water World in Phoenix and riding home at midnight with a friend who would NOT stopping BARKING at all the cars that went by......ummmmmmm Hello!!! I'm trying to sleep here!!!! Oh 8th grade....I will never see you again......PRAISE GOD!!!!!