Monday, January 23, 2012

Fatty Post of the week

Oh there is a whole week of pictures to catch up on...

On January 15 there was snow!!! I also woke up that morning as a Princess, yes I was
a princess for one whole day :)

My official 18th Birthday CAke

Aww I had such a great time at my birthday party.
It was a family party, but we invited Greg to come as well

Rainey and Zavier

Diego and Greg decided to stay a little longer than everyone else,
they ganged up on me and shot me with nerf guns!!!!
My wonderful friends (who obviously love me) did this to my car and surprised me by
inviting lots of my friends from church over to Shari's. I was quite surprised to see all
those people there when I walked in...

On Martin Luther King Jr. Day we shopped with Greg and Moriah we
also ate some taco bell and...

they went on a ride =0

Patton turned one year old on Saturday!!
 Tear, my only second cousin is growing up so fast ;-( now he can walk!
We had a bomb time with Ray at Cheesecake Factory on Sunday!!!

Cheesecake face

Trying on clothes is great fun!!

These Goldfish were bought at Walmart
Rainey is the proud owner of Shequisha and Jack Sparrow


Thanks for leaving comments and questions!!!!! You JUST made my day.